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Sand Hollow Fire Department
About the Department
On October 1, 2015 Sand Hollow Fire
Department began to respond to calls
within their own Fire District with three
fire trucks and approximately twenty
volunteers. The Fire Department is
housed in the two-bay BLM Wild West
Station located at Exit 13, where an
additional two-bays have been added.
Sand Hollow Fire District is composed of
family farms on agricultural lands, single
family residences on small acreages,
commercial businesses utilizing easy
access to Interstate 84 that bisects the
Fire District, as well as 7,600 acres of
public lands administered by the Bureau
of Land Management.
Sand Hollow firefighters spend any down
time completing repairs and maintenance,
equipment upgrades and modifications and
training. Weekly training covers activities
such as rural area water drafting, vehicle
extrication, pumping operations, fire scene
operations and engineer operations.
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